What is FLES?
FLES stands for Foreign Language in the Elementary School. Our approach to language learning allows students to develop basic communicative skills in Spanish while reinforcing and enriching content in other disciplines, specifically social studies, science, and math.
FLES Program Model
Our FLES model develops students' language proficiency by providing instruction that focuses on:
1. Meaning: language used for practical purposes.
2. Dynamic and fun interactions: songs, chants, games, literacy activities, etc.
3. Cultural exploration.
4. Experiences that are appropriate for the age and developmental stages of the children.
FLES Program Goals
1. To develop functional proficiency in Spanish at an early stage of language acquisition.
2. To provide a meaningful context for developing communication skills in Spanish.
3. To build an understanding and appreciation for other cultures by developing multicultural awareness and a more global perspective.
Why a world language program at the elementary level?
A world language program at the elementary level model provides all students K-5 with language learning opportunities.
Research studies have indicated that the early study of a second language results in cognitive benefits, gains in academic achievement, and increases in self-esteem, creativity, and positive attitudes toward diversity.
When children have an early start to a long sequence of language instruction that continues through high school and college, they will be able to achieve levels of fluency that have not been possible in the past due to the late start of most language programs. (Center for Applied Linguistics)
Learn more here.